Having said that, I do occasionally find my characters discussing matters of a more philosophical nature. When I'm caught doing this, I usually go back and read the passage with a feeling that authors sometimes experience when reading a passage they haven't looked at in years: Did I write that?

Ex-FBI Agent Burke Hill comments regarding his initial reluctance to get involved in a counter-espionage operation:
"I got all hung up on legalities and ethicalities. I finally accepted Cam Quinn's version of reality, that you can't fight unconventional wars with conventional means. I guess the important thing is to be honest with yourself and not compromise on your search for justice."
The answer to his dilemma is given by CIA Director Marshall, who winds up with:
"To achieve justice, which, as you indicate, is our ultimate goal, we must introduce another concept called equity. If the outcome of the action is equitable, then justice has been served."
Although I make no effort to espouse a particular point of view, I'll have to admit that some of my characters reflect my own feelings. But others may express diametrically opposite sensibilities. As I indicated earlier, I try not to get too philosophical. I don't write with a message in mind. I write with a good story to tell.
I hope you enjoy them. I'll have a tenth to add to the list shortly. Stay turned.